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Organic Search Engine Optimization

 Organic Search Engine Optimization: 10 Steps to the # 1 Google Ranking

Understanding organic search engine optimization with any website can be of great benefit. Also called organic SEO, organic search engine optimization is a process of optimizing the copy and HTML of your website, helping your website to rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing.

There are many ways to help your website grow in search rankings. Most of them are quite easy. If you are already using advertising, social media, or email marketing, why take the time and effort to learn how to rank high on search engines?

Organic search engine optimization (as opposed to pay-per-click advertisements) will allow people to easily find your website on search engines while they are looking for the product or service you provide. This makes it more likely that they will convert from visitors to customers. No one searches for a product or service that they do not want, so they are already in the mood to buy. All you have to do is stand in the middle of the competition. Additionally, when you rank on the home page of a search engine, you are showing the legitimacy of your products or services to potential consumers due to high rankings.

 There is certainly no guarantee that you will be ranked number one on the search engine results page or SERP, but with this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to grow your website in rankings.


Let's take a look at 10 steps you can take to ensure that potential customers are finding your website through organic search engine optimization.

Steps for organic search engine optimization

1. Understand what customers want and why they can come to you.

This is important before the delay in the world of organic search engine optimization. Your search for your product or service on search engines delineates the types of words and phrases that your consumers use.

Save the terms you have on the list - this would be a great place to start when beginning your keyword research. It would be super useful to go ahead and insert your keywords into an Excel document or Google Sheet. That way, when you are doing keyword research, you will be more organized.

What are the most popular services you offer? What does your service require? To get you thinking about how people are using search engines, consider a wide array of words, both similar and varied. One way to get more ideas is to write relevant phrases in Google and look for related searches that you leave out before searching.

2. Perform thorough and varied keyword research.

This step is extremely important and will help you find out what words and phrases people are using to find your products and services.

There are a few things to look for when researching keywords: monthly searches, keyword difficulty, and competition.

Monthly amounts of searches entered on keywords can be found in a few different ways. If you have a Google advertising account, you can use Keyword Planner for this step. If you don't, there are some free sites out there that will give you the same numbers. Obviously, if a keyword has more monthly searches, then you want to keep that in mind. However, it can also mean that it has high keyword difficulty and fierce competition.

Keyword difficulty is a number that tells you how difficult it will be to rank for a certain keyword. The higher this number, the more difficult it is to rank on that keyword. There are some sites online that will tell you the keyword difficulty of a word or phrase. Enter these numbers in your Excel document or Google Sheet that you made earlier.

An ideal keyword has a high monthly search and relatively low keyword difficulty. Once you find some keywords that make sense for your business, they have a relatively high search volume, and relatively low keyword difficulty, time to research the competition. However, you first want to understand how local searches affect organic search engine optimization.

3. Understand localized keyword searches.

An important point to note is that localized searches will have an impact on search engines. For example, suppose you are in Atlanta and you are looking for a photographer for your wedding. When you search for "wedding photography" it will not be useful to see the results of photographers in Los Angeles. This is why Google takes into account the time you search for certain words and shows you listings from businesses that are in close proximity to you.

Many search exclusively for services within their region. Using keywords such as "Wedding Photography Atlanta" instead of just "Wedding Photography" can help you better face local competition. Setting up a Google My Business page is also a tool that will help your business pop up in local searches. It is free to install and requires a physical address for your business.

4. Research Competition.

Find the keywords you choose and see which websites come up. Are they using keywords in their website copy? how many times? This will let you know how often you want to use that keyword in your website copy when you start applying changes for organic search option optimization.

An important point to note is the domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) of a website. It is a number from 1 to 100 indicating the domain of a website or the strength of a specific page. DA and PA are two of many factors that determine how a website will be ranked on the SERP. The higher the DA and PA, the better the chance of ranking that webpage on the front page (everyone's dream!) Of that SERP. This number is determined by a few things, such as the age of the website and the number of links associated with it (backlink).

While not much can be done about how long your website is around, it is important to note this factor if you ever want a new website for your business. Keeping an old domain and redesigning the layout is more beneficial than starting from scratch. The right of a page is not always the same as the right of an entire domain, but they are determined in the same way. New web pages on an old domain will still have domain authorization to return it, but their page authority will begin at 1.

The popularity of a website or page can be called backlinks, increasing the number of links to your page. Links to your pages from official sites indicate popularity and trustworthiness.

Find a website or browser extension that will tell you the domain authority of a URL. That way, you can properly view your competition and see if your domain authority can stack up in the competition, or if you need to start working on your link.

5. Apply keywords to your on-site copy.

So now you have selected your keywords keeping in mind the above steps. Now is the time to find out which pages of your website you want to optimize for high search engine results.

The home page of your site is usually a good place to start. It usually keeps detailed information about your product or service and will take the website visitor to where they want to go. However, if you have other informative pages on your site that you think would be more useful, you may want to choose one of those pages or, instead, the home page.

Keep in mind how often your competition uses the keywords you visit on your pages. You can find it on your webpage by a simple control/command + f search. A good rule of thumb is that you are trying to rank each keyword at least 5-7 times per page to use in your website copy.


One practice to avoid is keyword stuffing. This happens when you place your keyword in places where it doesn't make sense, just put it in your copy as many times as possible. Try writing a copy that is trying to cram your keyword into just one paragraph instead of inserting it.

6. Update your HTML.

When you are updating a copy of your website, you want to implement changes to your HTML - specifically, your H1 and H2 title tags, as well as your meta description and URL. You want to put your most relevant keywords in these sections of your website HTML. Search engines take the words of these sections of your website's HTML into consideration when listing relevant webpages in a search result.

H1 and H2 title tags are the names of the two most important types of titles on your website. H1 tags are your main title - usually large or bold on a website, and at the top - and H2 tags are secondary titles that clarify your main title, or maybe the titles of various page sections. To use these classes effectively, you can use the format "Business | Keyword "as your H1 tag. For example, if my business name was" Emily's images "and my keyword was" Atlanta wedding photography ", my title would be like" Emily's images. Atlanta wedding photography ".

A meta description about a particular page of your website is a small blur. This is a great place to enter keywords easily. However, you want to include useful information for potential site visitors to click through to your website. This blurb will appear in search engine result pages under your H1 title tag and the URL of your webpage.

Using keywords in your URL also will help your ranking. Unfortunately, there's not much you'll do to vary the house page URL of your website without resetting your domain authority. However, each additional page you add maybe a place to insert a keyword, as long because it has relevance to the particular page content. we'll attend blogging soon, but blog post URLs are an excellent place to use your keywords.

7. Create your link.

Links are a crucial part of organic program optimization. Using the copy on your site to link to other relevant pages on your site will increase the number of links.

Inbound links are links that retain viewers to your website. you'll for instance link to your blog posts and other information pages or service pages. Search engines use links to seek out new pages, also on determine how a page should rank, so don't skip this process.

Although inbound links are important, backlinks are even as important but slightly harder to accumulate. we've already mentioned how important backlinks are to putting together your domain authority, but the method of acquiring them can cost you loads. If you are doing not have the allow backlinks, try building relationships with other relevant quality websites that will link to your webpage.

It is also necessary to concentrate on the standard of your inbound and backlink anchor text. Anchor text is the text that's used for hyperlinks on another website. Anchor text should be associated with the content of the page. Never use anchor text that says "Click here."

Also, for outbound links, always link to reputable and reliable websites from relevant sites and topics. what does this mean? for instance, a link to a respected and well-established site just like the BBC is best than a link to a friend's personal blog. You see, relevant backlinks are going to be liked by search engines, so you ought to.

8. Start blogging.

Writing a blog for your website not only helps with organic program optimization, but it provides valuable information for your potential customers and website visitors, among other things. Writing a blog about the industry you service will offer you space to insert your keywords fairly often, keeping the knowledge relevant and helpful. On top of that, it makes your business like an industry expert. A well-written blog causes you to look more credible thanks to your level of experience. Blogs optimizing for keywords would ideally be anywhere from 500 to 2,000 words, but not everyone has time to crank up blogs that are sized hebdomadally. However, posting short blogs still provides value to your customer base and potential customers.

In addition to keywords, make certain to incorporate several inbound links in your blog post. A blog is typically an excellent place to incorporate links from your other blogs, your service pages, and more.

If you would like to drive traffic to your website employing a blog, but do not have the time to plan to write a blog, thanks to hiring a full-service digital marketing agency to assist you together with your content strategy is.

9. Track your ranking.

By now you've got done your keyword research and you've got optimized the content of your website to reflect the keywords you're trying to rank for. Now you're able to increase your website ranking and appearance back. How will you recognize if your efforts will succeed?

Tracking your keyword ranking is that the best thanks to telling if your work is being rewarded.

Additionally, knowing how your SEO is performing can assist you to make the required changes overtime to stay your rankings high. shop around for a keyword tracking tool to assist track how your SEO is performing. this is often typical for your rankings to fluctuate from week to week and even today. search from month to month above normal which shows that your efforts are successful.

Organic program optimization

10. don't go alone.

Implementing organic program optimization means tons to an individual. this is often especially difficult if you're not conversant in things like keyword research, backlinks, and HTML. Taking time to show yourself about SEO is often beneficial, but hiring an SEO company helps you save some time and energy in order that you'll do the items that you simply do. Contact us today to schedule a time to speak to us about how we will improve your organic program optimization.

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