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Instagram chronological feed is back

 Instagram chronological feed is back


Is it true that Instagram's chronological feed is back?

In case you missed our latest Instagram Update 2022 post, you might have missed the news that the Instagram chronological feed is back!

After Instagram users complained about the algorithm and even legal backlash against Instagram about how its algorithm affects the mental health of its users.

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Now, more information has been released about this since our last update, so today we're going to unpack this update on Instagram's chronological feed and what it means for your business.

let's get started!

quick update on what happened

Instagram head Adam Mosseri announced several weeks ago that Instagram would be rolling out chronological feedback as an option in early 2022 this year.

So the first thing to note is that they are not automatically changing everyone's feed.

Users will have the option to opt-in to the chronological feed if they wish.

What is Instagram Reels? How to Create Instagram

What we've learned about the Instagram chronological feed since

Instagram users will be given 3 different ways to view their feed:

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Home Feed will use the algorithm we have now—with a few changes, which we'll talk more about in a second.

The following feed will show posts from people you follow, chronologically.

And the Favorites feed will only show posts from people you've liked manually—so there's no algorithmic effect.

Now with Home Feed, in a recent video, Adam said, "Home is going to have more and more recommendations over time."

While there's no official clarification yet on what this means from Instagram - at the time we're writing this, a lot of people are thinking that it means something like TikTok with more and more suggested posts. Moving on to the home feed.

Suggested posts mean Instagram is choosing which posts you see, rather than only seeing posts from people you follow.

Now, Instagram is already putting suggested posts in the home feed.

Take for example this screen share from the home feed. Here in our home feed are suggested Instagram reels of people we don't follow.

Here's a suggested post in our Home feed from someone we don't follow, but it's being suggested to us because we've liked a similar post from another account.

So suggested posts aren't new to the home feed, but according to Adam's video, it looks like there are more suggestions and changes coming to that feed.

This is why Instagram is simultaneously giving users the option to switch to the Instagram chronological feed or the following feed, to only see posts from people they follow.

Now, having that information, there are questions we're thinking about and things we're thinking about as a digital marketer and on behalf of you guys and our customers, who are business owners.

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As Professional Digital Marketers we are looking forward to

We're curious to know if Instagram Insights will have data that shows how your followers have listed you.

Like, will we be able to see if most of our followers see us in their home, following, or favorite feeds?

If someone adds our account to their favorite feed, will they be notified every time we post?

Or for example, will users see a small blue dot next to the word Favorites in a dropdown to indicate that there are new posts available for viewing?

We think having this kind of information will be huge as it will allow us as entrepreneurs and marketers to make data-driven decisions in the content we create.

For example, people who are seeing you in their favorite feed may be investing too much in your brand and further down your marketing funnel…

...compared to people who are viewing your content from the home feed, where they might not even follow you, your posts are just being suggested to them.

If you're in someone's favorite feed, it means they've manually added you to a list that says, "I want to see their content."

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So if you as a business owner can see that most of your followers are viewing you from their favorite feeds that free you up to create more conversion-oriented content instead of keeping your Instagram content funneled and brand awareness-oriented. could. ,

Another point we want to see is how user behavior plays out with all of this.

Are we now going to start seeing hordes of influencers and business accounts asking, "Add us to your favorites!"

The same way individuals as of now inquire, "Turn for notices for me!"?

And as a result, are we going to see users burn out very quickly after hearing this?

There have been literally years of complaints from consumers, creators, and business owners about the Instagram algorithm.

So now that Instagram is giving everyone the choice of how they want their feed to look

…we are very interested to see how many people actually use the chronological following feed.

We can see a lot of people switch from a chronological feed to watching things, but then start unfollowing or muting accounts they slowly realize they don't really care to watch Huh.

That's why we want to do what you as a business owner can do during these changes to make sure you get more attention and fewer unfollows.

What can you do with these changes on Instagram chronological feed?

1. Always create content for your followers, not for you.

Don't focus on how great you are, focus on the problems your customers are trying to solve or the goals they are trying to achieve.

And afterward, overcome that issue for them with your substance.

Don't simply post single-picture photographs since that is what's least demanding for you.

Instead, post the format that has the most reach and Instagram engagement (which, if we have to guess, is probably a reel).

2. Always create data-driven content.

Pay more attention to your Instagram insights than you might normally do so you can take a closer look at what's working and what's not.

Things that have historically worked to date can start to fluctuate with feed changes.

These tests are already happening so many people already have access to look at their feeds differently.

And, Instagram is looking forward to fully launching this new change in the first half of this year.

So do not rest in what always works; Stay on top of it so you can be sure what you're putting in still works.

And today we have all the Instagram updates finished with the new chronological feed for you!

If you need more guidance regarding your Instagram marketing, our Instagram consultants can definitely help you.

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